Stages for School: What Your Children Should Expect
In this article, we’ll explore the different stages of education and offer some tips for helping your children navigate these important years successfully. Whether your kids are in kindergarten, middle school or finishing up their senior year of high school, these stages will help them build the skills they need for future success. This link
The first stage is associative play, which starts around the age of three and lasts until about five. During this stage, kids will start to interact with each other more and more, but they’ll still play alone most of the time. This is a great stage for encouraging social skills, as kids will begin to learn how to take turns and cooperate with each other.
Staging Success: Showcasing Talent and Creativity in School Performances
Key Stage 1 covers a child’s time in kindergarten to grade one, or in the US, preschool to elementary school. It’s a big transition for students and parents, but it’s also a great time to introduce your children to a variety of non-assessed subjects such as arts & crafts, geography, history, and religious education.
At the end of this stage, children will sit KS1 SATs exams (English, maths and science) to measure their progress. Our KS1 resources collection is packed full of practice papers and revision ideas to help your children get ready for the tests. The middle school stage, formerly known as secondary school, comprises of classes 6 to 8. Our KS4 resources collection is full of lesson plans and activities designed to help your students understand the more complex concepts in each subject they will study.